電腦和筆電需要輕薄、輕量和富有美學,才能迎合科技達人不斷成長的需求,並在市場中嶄露頭角,所以只要為您的鍵盤企劃選擇正確的背光即能達成這些需求。我們Clad Flat Fiber™ (CFF)的技術對鍵盤背光市場而言是個很合適的選項,且提供許多優勢如下:
輕薄 – 我們CFF技術厚度為0.3mm。
空間節省 - 我們CFF技術沒有尾巴,能使面板佔整體設計的最小空間。
美學 – 一致及均勻的光源,透過選擇性地蝕刻,能讓光源只在所需區域被點亮。
效能 – 明亮、高效能、低電量,我們和客戶共同努力來優化整體設計,使產品能達到高效節能和符合電量需求。
全球製造 – 能夠在台灣製造。
A manufacturer of industrial, military, and marine keyboards contacted Lumitex to develop a Uni-Glo®fiberoptic backlight assembly to replace an Electro-Luminescent (EL) backlight.
Due to the many harsh
One of the design challenges we faced was the ability to backlight the entire keyboard along with the icons that surrounded the keyboard trackball with only two (5), 5mm, LEDs. This was ultimately accomplished due to the design flexibility of the Uni-Glo® Technology, along with the development of the Bendi-
The Uniglo Technology was also selected due to the extreme thinness of the panel (.013”), which also allowed a very smooth tactile response through the overlay and aluminum, membrane switch domes. The 5mm LEDs provided 50K hours of life and because the fiberoptic backlight is totally inert, the backlight assembly did require any filtering.
Key Reasons our Woven and UniGlo Fiber Optic Panels Technology was selected